Vice Chairman
The United States Latino Affairs 

Mr. Lasso is a businessman of Colombian origin in the beauty industry, Mr. Lasso employs more than 30 people directly between Colombia and the United States, his knowledge of the beauty industry has made him the first Latino manufacturer of 6 lines of perfumes and 4 lines of soaps that are sold on Amazon platforms, in Walmart stores and that are exported from the United States to Europe, Africa and South America. 

In 2021, Mr. Lasso was chosen by a panel of local and international judges as the number one most influential Latino in the state of New Jersey; Due to his sagacity, entrepreneurship and commitment to the Hispanic community in the State of New Jersey, there were more than 116 nominees who competed for the first place, which was awarded to Mr. Lasso, who won to be the TOP LATINO in NEW JERSEY . 

Despite the global pandemic and the difficulties caused by it, Mr. Lasso has invested one million three hundred thousand dollars in a property, in which he intends to expand the beauty line and thus open new lines of other cosmetics for the world. It is also planned to build a soccer field on this property so that the community has a place to have fun in a healthy way. Mr. Lasso is a major contributor and member of the Morris County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, donating thousands of ponchos for children and families in financial difficulty, in the same way Mr. Lasso donated his time and factory space to save food that was eventually distributed in the city of Trenton, Camden, New Brunswick, Dover, New Brunswick Lakewood.